Web Analytics for Websites

Sitesights provides simple and detailed analytics for your website and you don't have to worry about privacy and can invest your time in your website. It doesn't matter if you run a blog, a personal page or a business website. You need Web Analytics to see what your users are doing and to improve your website. With Sitesights we give you deeply insights about your users such as clicks, paths, downloads and other metrics that will help you to improve quickly. 

Analytics with simple metrics

With Simple dashboards in mind, we can answer directly these questions for you:

  • How many unique Visitors do I have? 
  • What is the average time visitors spend on my page?
  • How many Pageviews do I get? 
  • Where are my visitors from? Country and City.
  • What is the bounce rate?
  • Which pages are they visiting?
  • On which time do my visitors use my website?
  • How are my pages performing? Which pages are working fine and which don't? 


If you need more details about your visitors' journey, you can use the page flow dashboard to get detailed insights:

Our page flow diagram allows you to unlock the secret way your visitors do on your website.  Here, you can see why it should be a must-have analysis: 

  • See your user journey:  Get straight facts how users use your website
  • Which pages are the opening? 
  • Where do your visitors leave your website? 
  • Where do they engage on specific pages like contact or downloads? 
  • Stay agile with live insights on your visitor's click paths on your website


If such data is not enough, you can use our funnel module to create a unique dashboard: 

Funnels are a way to create customized page flow analysis.  You can define before which pages and goals you want to track on your user journey.  With this data, you can directly track campaigns and see how many users reached your defined goals and on which step they left your website. Custom Funnels helps you to evaluate campaigns and to detect engagement hotspots. 


Use Events

Most websites have a specific purpose.  For example, you want to generate sales, leads, downloads or outbound links. To track those goals, you can use our event system: 

Events are triggered based on the specific behavior you define. For example, you can set a goal if a user clicks on a specific button or if he visits a specific page on your website. This allows you to track all the information you need to evaluate your campaign or website goals. 


No cookies and page speed

Sitesights does not use cookies. You don't need a cookie consent banner to use our web analytics tool. We respect your users' privacy while helping you to make a better website. Sitesights tracking script is less than 1kb big, which means, we are perfect for SEO or mobile optimized websites because we help you to perform better.


Easy to install

You can integrate Sitesights on your website within minutes. If you have WordPress you can use our plugin and if you are using another CMS you can simply add our tracking code. That's all.

You haven't started yet? Get started with Sitesights for free!